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Web Cache Illuminator

Web Cache Illuminator Web Cache Illuminator

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Web Cache Illuminator Publisher's Description

Easily investigate all the web pages and images that someone has viewed. This program will succinctly show the web page title, date/time it was viewed, and thumbnails of all the images viewed. As an added convenience, it can search the computer and locate all of the cache folders for you. The presentation is shown in a browser so that you can click on any title or images and then actually see first-hand what any of the pages look like. It also features the ability to filter images and/or other binary files. The Web Cache Illuminator will enhance any investigation of online activity because, in an attempt to hide their activity, people often delete their browser's history list -- but they will forget (or do not know how) to delete the browser's cached files. With the Web Cache Illuminator, you can look at those cached files and shed considerable light onto their contents. If you have ever tried to look at the cached files with a web browser or a file explorer, you know how useless the list is: basically you only get the file name, size, and other data not descriptive of the contents. This program gives you much, much more information, and it displays it both neatly and succinctly.

What's New in Version of Web Cache Illuminator

Updated graphics to enhance the presentation.

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